DJIST Exchange Traded Fund

Dow Jones Istanbul 20 is the first Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) in Turkey. DJIST tracks Dow Jones Turkey Titans 20 Index. Dow Jones Istanbul 20 ETF (DJIST) allows investors to gain direct exposure to largest and most liquid 20 blue-chips listed on the Borsa Istanbul (BIST). DJIST exchange traded fund can be traded on the BIST just like a stock and it can be bought and sold through any licensed bank or brokerage house.
Ease of Transaction:
DJIST shares can easily be acquired through the BIST . Institutional investors can also create or redeem through the Takasbank system. It is an ETF that is based on a liquid index that can facilitate good executions even if the ETF itself trades infrequently.
Direct Exposure:
DJIST offers institutional investors the ability to gain exposure to the Turkish Capital Markets with a single transaction. DJIST contains the 20 largest and most liquid stocks in the BIST .
DJIST offers diversification as it consists of the largest and most liquid blue-chips of Turkey. Dow Jones Istanbul 20 ETF reduces the risks imposed by a single stock. DJIST makes liquidity and company risk more manageable. DJIST can either be used to diversify the entire portfolio and/or complete the investment strategy as a core holding.
Spread of Risk/Portfolio Diversification: DJIST allows investors to invest in 20 stocks at once instead of a single stock both reducing risks and initiating higher returns in a stock-market boom.
DJIST’s portfolio composition is published every trading day on its website. Thus, investors can track their investments daily.
Continuous Pricing:
DJIST shares are priced continuously throughout the day on the BIST . Intraday NAV is also disseminated by the fund manager every 15 seconds during trading hours of the BIST . Continuous pricing allows intra-day liquidity for investors. Efficient intra-day pricing leads to minimal deviation from Net Asset Value of the fund.
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